What Should Theater Aim To Do?

An exploration of Catharsis, Metanoia, and Transformation

Matthew David
7 min readMay 16, 2022
Photo by Enric Domas on Unsplash

Theatre has been around for as long as humans have been around.

This may seem like a bold claim, but it was practiced as early as we had campfires and lived tribally.

Theatre, at its most basic form, is just us telling stories to each other. Sometimes these stories aim at enlightenment, sometimes they aim to tell us a myth, and sometimes they aim at entertainment.

In modern western society, especially on Broadway, the focus seems to be a blend of entertainment and of telling the stories of marginalized voices.

But there’s been a decline in how relevant or connected theatre is in western society.

I’m sure there will be those who will say that “Theatre has always been on the fringe of decline forever.”

Yes, that’s true, and it has transformed and persevered.

But we’re at a point now where the very relevancy and existence of theatre is being questioned.

My goal of this article is to provide a very basic outline of what I think theatre should aim to do if it wants to survive and thrive.



Matthew David

Philosopher. Writer. Coffee Addict. I write about Philosophy from the Ancient Greeks to Existentialism. https://medium.com/@matthew-david/about ←Learn more here